Date Posted
12th Oct 2021

Registrations are now OPEN for term 1 2022

Registrations are now OPEN for term 1 2022

Classes are on a Tuesday afternoon, due to coach availability.

Term starts next week 1st of March.
Junior 3.30- 4.15pm

Senior 4.15- 5.15pm

Squad 5.15-6.45pm

Mini gym will also be running Wednesdays starting  2nd March.  Please let us know if you attend mini gym and are able to help with setting up or putting away our gear, we are short of helpers for this.


When registering your child please check and update all contant and personal information for your child.


If your child has a vaccine pass you can upload it to their profile (this works best if you use your phone camera).

Over 12 years will HAVE to have a vaccine pass uploaded to attend gymnastics.

Adults entering the building to watch will HAVE to have a vaccine pass uploaded to their profile.

To find your profile type your name In the search bar. There will be someone at the door to site these and upload for those who are having difficulty. If you do not have a vaccine pass, you will not be allowed to enter the building but you can drop your child off at the door and pick up from the door at the end of the session .

If your attending Mini gym a vaccine pass will also need to be sighted to attend. All parents watching (with uploaded and sited vaccine passes) must wear a mask and social distance as we have done in previous terms.

Can't wait to see you all back at gym!!!

Classes are on a Tuesday afternoon, due to coach availability.

Term starts next week 1st of March.
Junior 3.30- 4.15pm

Senior 4.15- 5.15pm

Squad 5.15-6.45pm

Mini gym will also be running Wednesdays starting  2nd March.  Please let us know if you attend mini gym and are able to help with setting up or putting away our gear, we are short of helpers for this.


When registering your child please check and update all contant and personal information for your child.


If your child has a vaccine pass you can upload it to their profile (this works best if you use your phone camera).

Over 12 years will HAVE to have a vaccine pass uploaded to attend gymnastics.

Adults entering the building to watch will HAVE to have a vaccine pass uploaded to their profile.

To find your profile type your name In the search bar. There will be someone at the door to site these and upload for those who are having difficulty. If you do not have a vaccine pass, you will not be allowed to enter the building but you can drop your child off at the door and pick up from the door at the end of the session .

If your attending Mini gym a vaccine pass will also need to be sighted to attend. All parents watching (with uploaded and sited vaccine passes) must wear a mask and social distance as we have done in previous terms.

Can't wait to see you all back at gym!!!