Date Posted
10th Apr 2024

Newsletter Term1 2024

Kia ora koutou
Welcome to 2024 at Alexandra Gymnastic Club!  
We are thrilled to have sessions back up and running, with the beginning of the year again seeing high demand for classes. A big welcome to new gymnasts and supporters, and warm welcome back to our seasoned gymnasts. This term we have sessions running from Minigym (pre-school) to invitation Competitive Squad, with lots of great opportunities for kids to extend themselves and enjoy the all-round development gymnastic movement brings.
For safety reasons, classes are capped according to coach availability and gymnast skill level. We continue to invite coaching assistance in order to increase our gymnast numbers, and will support with education. Let us know if you’re keen!
Safety first...

  • Please collect children from within the Stadium building, arriving 5-10 mins prior to sessions ending. The carpark is not a safe area for precious little people to wait, and coaches do not have time to supervise after session end times.
  • A reminder also to have long hair tied up, in a style that is comfortable for forward-rolling and gymnastic moves.
  • And, give the club a follow on Facebook for any quick updates we may have.

 In case you are wondering how you might be able to use your wonderful-ness to give the club a hand...

  • Gear moving - Due to our shared use of the stadium, each week gear needs to be moved from out to the stadium floor. This takes around 30 mins with some help, on a Tuesday somewhere between 12.15pm-2.30pm. This is a tricky time with many of us working, if you (or anyone you know) has capacity to help with this, we would greatly appreciate it.  
  • Coaching -  We are on the look-out for coaches to join our team. Funding for training is available, send us an email and we can have a chat if you are keen - no experience is required, but is very welcome.
  • Committee - Our AGM will be mid-year, and we look forward to welcoming new faces to the committee.

MinigymThis is parent-led session for pre-schoolers runs on a Wednesday 10am-11am at the Community Centre, Skird St.  We have the fabulous Sarah helping us set-up and keep sessions safe, and would love to welcome a lead in this space, with early childhood gymnastics training available.  If you are able to help for a few mins before sessions to set up the gear, please let Sarah know - all help is greatly appreciated.  For information on sessions, please follow the Alexandra Gymnastic Club Facebook page for updates.
Have a super start to the year everyone, and please email the club if you have any queries we can get back to you on.
Ngā mihi
Lana JohnPresident